Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 2 Assignment, Part 3: Blog Posts

     Compose a 250-word opinion piece on the value of assessing educators’ technology leadership knowledge and skills as well as assessing the knowledge and skill of student technology skill levels and their perceived needs? What are the pros and cons of technology assessment? The opinion piece should include supporting details and/or examples.

In today’s world, technology is changing and improving so rapidly that it is not only important to monitors students’ progress but also evaluate teacher’s knowledge of technological skills. If the teachers lack ability to teach students and utilize technology in the classroom, the students will never be successful and the results will be frightening. As teachers are held accountable for skills such as classroom management and knowledge of curriculum, they must be held accountable for their technology skills. Teachers should be offered professional development opportunities to update knowledge, skills, and understanding of related technology. Students’ knowledge of technology should also be monitored on routine basis. The students should be able to apply the knowledge they are receiving to accomplish projects independently. The assessment of technology should further guide the instruction to meet the needs of all students.

The pros of technology assessment are that it will help the teachers and leaders to evaluate the needs of the campus. Based on the campus needs, professional development opportunities can be offered to encourage campus leaders to incorporate technology in their content area. Thus leading to classrooms that tend to run more smoothly, and more student centered. Technology proficient classrooms will in turn, help districts to make great strides in the area of technology and thus preparing the students to be lifelong learners.

The cons of technology assessment are that it requires a high level of investment, both in technology and in staff training. Lack of funding to implement the needs of the assessment can lead to detrimental results. Also the lack of support to monitor the implementation of technology can lead to loss of cost, time and effort. Although it may require funding to implement technology, I believe that the pros of assessment far outweigh the cons.

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