Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog Posting #3 – National Educational Technology Plan

Compose a 250-word executive summary and reflection of the Plan. In your summary include the goals and what the plan says with respect to teaching and learning as well as professional development and training. Reflect on any issues or concerns you noticed in the Plan.

The National Educational Technology Plan has set goals and recommendations to empower learning with technology. These goals and recommendations are set in five areas: learning, assessment, teaching, infrastructure, and productivity.
Instruction should be engaging, relevant, and individualized to meet the needs of all the students. It should give students opportunities to become lifelong learners. Instruction should be available to students 24/7 and allow them to pursue their passions in their own way and at their own pace.

Learning assessment should be collected to evaluate the current technology and update the technology based on the needs of the learners. For this to be effective, data must be made available, educators and leaders must be provided tools and training to manage the assessment process, analyze relevant data, and take appropriate action.

Educators should have an access to technology 24/7 to individualize their instruction. Distance learning opportunities should be provided to educators to connect with other educators and provide them with learning tools and resources that make professional learning timely and appropriate as well as an ongoing activity that continually improves practice and evolves their skills over time.  Online learning options should be provided to enable best teaching practices and making high-quality course options available to all learners. Educators should be provided high quality online professional development and they compelled to integrate technology into all content areas not as separate curriculum.

Support student should be in place to provide students, educators with 24/7 access to the resources they need. D
evelopment and use of open educational resources should be promoted to creative opportunities for all learners and accelerate the development and adoption of new open technology-based learning tools and courses. The value of open educational resources is now recognized around the Building this infrastructure is a far-reaching project that demands rigorous and synchronized effort.
Technology is available to use but specific measures should be taken to ensure that technology is used in the in all content areas. Data should be collected and analyzed on how and when technology to improve outcomes and the productivity of our education system. To increase productivity, we must reformat and change our educational system at all levels to take benefits of the power of technology, to improve educational outcomes, and create a more efficient use of time, money, and staff.

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